Practice Advantage

Do You Really Know Who Your Patients Are with Dr. Ron Krefman

Episode Summary

Knowing your existing and potential patient base is important in order to make key decisions within your practice, including marketing, adding specialities, and more. Ron Krefman helps us unpack more.

Episode Notes

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In this episode, my guest is Founder & CEO of focalCenter, Dr. Ron Krefman to discuss the power of leveraging demographic data in understanding who your patients are, how to market to them, and how to grow. To get PECAA member pricing on localEyes, visit localEyes and use Discount Code "PECAA". 

Key Takeaways:

  1. Data, specifically demographic data, are valuable in understanding who your patients are and what opportunities exist within your practice to grow.
  2. Most patient consumers are willing to drive 20-30 minutes for their eye and health care.
  3. Data are only as valuable as the insights they provide and the decisions they impact within the practice.
  4. Leveraging the focalCenter localEyes report provides insights like who your target market is, who you should direct your marketing towards, and the utilization of eye care services in your trade area, the amount they’re wiling to spend on eyewear, and more.
  5. Make one change at a time. Test it, learn from it, and adjust based on what worked and what didn’t.
  6. Data like this should be reviewed regularly for the insights they provide and should be updated every 2-3 years.

What Ron is reading: